
With more than 30 years’ experience advising businesses, we offer creative solutions for companies in transition or seeking redirection. In our consulting role, we facilitate strategic planning and decision making, company retreats, and fact-finding processes. We work with both for profit and nonprofit entities facing “bet the company” decisions or crisis.

Appointed by the court, we have served as receiver primarily where complex operational, financial or litigation matters drove the filing. We provide hands on, individualized attention to a select number of engagements that require heightened skill and expertise. We apply our legal and financial background to a broad variety of industries, whether operating and restructuring for the long term or preparing assets for liquidation.

We are available to step in on an interim basis to provide management expertise for companies undergoing transition or facing a leadership crisis. We have operated all types of enterprises, bringing common sense, practical organizational skills to provide stability to move forward. We always keep our focus on a successful exit for the stakeholders.

Advisor, consultant, turnaround manager, and court appointed receiver with broad range of tools for dealing with businesses and nonprofits going through transition or facing financial distress. Industry experience with tech, nonprofit, agriculture, food products, consumer packaged goods, retail, hotel and hospitality, aerospace and other manufacturing, real estate development, construction, and many others. Legal and financial background, plus practical common sense.